what kind of cookie are you?

snacka om passande test...

***You Are a Chocolate Chip Cookie***

Traditional and conservative, most people find you comforting.
You're friendly and easy to get to know. This makes you very popular - without even trying!

What Kind of Cookie Are You?

Postat av: Felicia

Hihihi, jag blev en fortune cookie! :D

Postat av: Felicia

P.S du har väl inte ändrat i beskrivningen av chocolate chip cookie? Både min (som du kan se på min blogg) o min kompis som blev Smiley face cookie fick inte fullt helt så positiva kommentarer; "You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity.
You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out!"

2007-06-13 @ 23:11:50
URL: http://flicky.blogg.se
Postat av: Mulen

Jag blev en fortune cookie. Det var för att jag har så mycket tur. Den kakbagaren känner inte mig verkar det som.

2007-06-25 @ 20:28:51
URL: http://www.liljander.se
Postat av: b

Jag vann...
You Are a Jam Cookie
On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.

2007-06-27 @ 13:57:10
URL: http://www.paian.blogg.se

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